Throughout our articles, you will often find us referring to the concept of the "true north" for your child. It's a concept we embrace and love in all aspects of our Montessori journey, but what exactly do we mean by it? Well, in a world filled with distractions and challenges, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters for our children's development.

At The Montessori Compass, we're on a mission to help you guide your child towards their "true north"—their unique path towards maximum potential and personal fulfillment. Let's explore the concept of true north and how it relates to our brand and mission statement.


What is True North?

  • Derived from navigation, true north represents the direction towards the North Pole
  • In the context of your child's growth, true north symbolizes their unique path, interests, and passions that lead to a fulfilling life
  • It's about discovering what genuinely brings joy and growth to your child and aligning your actions with those core beliefs

Why is Your Child's True North Important?

  • Acts as an anchor amidst life's chaos and uncertainties
  • Helps you make decisions that align with your child's interests and passions
  • Fosters personal growth, resilience, and a deeper sense of fulfillment in your child

How to Guide Your Child Towards Their True North?

  1. Reflect on your child's values and passions
  2. Assess your current home environment alignment
  3. Set clear goals and intentions for your child's growth
  4. Make consistent choices and actions that support their development
  5. Seek support and inspiration from the Montessori community
  6. Embrace change and growth in your child and your parenting journey

At The Montessori Compass, we're committed to supporting you in guiding your child towards their true north. We provide informative articles, resources, and a community to help you on your journey.

We also recognize that the right Montessori-inspired product can contribute to your child's development and happiness. Our authentic, well-researched product reviews focus on items that bring your child closer to their true north. We prioritize products that foster personal growth, promote well-being, and align with Montessori principles.

Whether it's a Montessori material that nurtures your child's curiosity, a mindful activity that helps them develop inner peace, or an eco-friendly item that aligns with your family values, our goal is to connect you with products that genuinely support your child's journey towards their true north.

Our Product Review Approach

  • Careful selection of Montessori-inspired products that bring your child closer to their true north
  • Focus on personal growth, well-being, and a sense of purpose
  • Connecting you with products that genuinely support your child's journey

As you continue on your Montessori journey, we encourage you to explore the wealth of information available on our website. Don't forget to check back regularly for new articles and insights, as well as to share your own experiences and progress with our community. We believe that by learning from one another and supporting each other, we can all guide our children closer to a life of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose.

  1. The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
  2. The Positive Psychology Program