Picture this...

It's another beautiful chaos morning. There's a whirlwind of energy that only a toddler can generate, and you're in the eye of the storm.

You're just about to reach your wits' end when a small, innocuous object catches your eye. It's the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy. Your little one, the unstoppable force, meets the UFO, the immovable object.

Suddenly, everything slows down, and you can't help but smirk at this unlikely hero.

If you're a regular here, you're already aware of my constant quest for the magical toys that turn toddler tornadoes into peaceful periods of engagement and learning. On one such search, I was abducted by the allure of the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy. It's like an alien technology landed in our playroom, a Montessori-inspired mix of the mysterious and practical.

ufo silicone pulling toy

Just as our low bookshelf for Christian made a sea change in our reading routine (And if you're wondering who Christian is and what's this low bookshelf hullabaloo, you seriously need to catch up on our past blogs!), this UFO toy has quite literally pulled its weight around here.

This combo of a pull toy and a silicone string plaything, which is a spitting image of a UFO, now keeps my little space explorer engaged for what seems like light years. This isn't just a toy, it's a hands-on exploration tool that fine-tunes motor skills and coordination.

And the best part? It’s Amazon-available and has all the makings of your child's next playtime obsession.

Its unassuming simplicity and engaging features have turned our little minion into an ecstatic little astronaut (or something to that effect, but that sounds magical, so we will stick with astronaut), all while brushing up those fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

In this riveting narrative, I'll walk you through:

  • The developmental wonders the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy brings to your child's space station (read: playroom)
  • The highs and lows of our interstellar journey with this toy
  • A deep-dive into its features, and trust me, they are as mesmerizing as the farthest galaxy
  • My own assessment of course - Is this UFO on course for the True North, or is it lost in the Montessori space?
  • The FAQs that every parent asks before welcoming this alien guest into their home

So stick around as we're about to blast off on a cosmic voyage to discover the ins and outs of this captivating, Montessori-aligned pulling toy.

Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy

Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy

Unleash the joy of learning with the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy - a brilliant fusion of fun and education, masterfully designed to keep your little explorer engaged while you enjoy that hot cup of coffee

Check Price on Amazon

In the thrilling performance that is parenting, especially when layered with the Montessori philosophy, we all seek those secret weapons—props that not only stimulate our little stars but also adhere to the ethos of our chosen method. Our backstage hero? The already introduced Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy. Allow me to delve a bit more into this scene-stealing wonder.

Picture this: It’s the middle of a transatlantic flight.

The cabin lights are dimmed, hushed whispers float in the air, and my pint-sized travel companion, Andreas, is growing restless.

Anyone who's been on a plane with a toddler knows it's a ticking time bomb. We were one dirty look away from becoming "those people" with "that kid."

In a moment of desperation, I found myself reaching for the UFO Silicone Pulling Toy like a castaway grabbing a lifeline. Its soft, silicone tentacles were an instant hit, providing the perfect cocktail of sensory feedback and fine motor challenge. Andreas was so engrossed in pulling, twisting, and exploring the UFO toy that the rest of the journey was an unexpected breeze.

This little gadget is more than just a fun plaything. It's a pocket-sized powerhouse of Montessori principles - self-directed exploration, hands-on learning, and practical skill development.

It's like having a secret handshake with the Montessori method. Its portable and versatile design makes it a perfect ally for any situation, from long car rides to those dreaded public tantrums.

In the whirlwind of Montessori parenting, the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy has become my ace in the hole, making it a worthy addition to our Montessori-inspired collection.

But this is my experience. In the following sections, we will deep dive into some of its key benefits, features, as well as looking at what real customers have said across the internet so you're not just getting my single point of view.

Developmental Benefits

Enhancement of Fine Motor Skills

The Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy is explicitly designed to foster the development of fine motor skills in children. Its innovative structure, featuring graspable 'tentacle' pulls, offers young learners a tangible, engaging means to strengthen their dexterity.

As children interact with the toy, they subconsciously improve their grip and finger muscle strength, making every interaction a step towards refined motor control.

toddler with pulling toy

Boosting Hand-Eye Coordination

This Montessori pull toy is also instrumental in developing robust hand-eye coordination. Its distinctive pull-string design encourages young users to maneuver the rope adeptly, thereby honing their coordination skills.

The continuous cycle of trial and error with each tug and pull propels them towards more advanced developmental milestones.

Advancing Color Recognition

Color cognition is another crucial area that the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy addresses effectively. With its vibrant and varied color scheme, it naturally incites children's curiosity and prompts them to explore and differentiate between colors.

This active engagement cultivates an understanding of color matching and recognition, contributing to their broader cognitive development.

The Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy serves as more than just a plaything. It's a comprehensive developmental tool that nurtures fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and color cognition in a fun and engaging manner.

It embodies the joy, discovery, and hands-on learning fundamental to Montessori education, making it an invaluable addition to your child's educational journey.

Key Features

Firstly, its construction: the toy is made from food-grade silicone, ensuring both safety and resilience. And while its appearance may appear as pure fun, there's a substantial educational aspect in play. The design cleverly encourages children to develop their fine motor skills in an engaging and playful context. Yes, a fun-filled guise for meaningful learning.

The UFO design doesn't just satisfy the whims of sci-fi fans, it also serves a deeper purpose. The bright colors and endearing animal shapes entice children's interest, fostering sensory exploration. As a result, children remain occupied, providing parents a well-deserved moment of reprieve and possibly allows me to indulge in a rare pleasure - consuming my coffee before it reaches room temperature. Miracles do happen.

The UFO is filled with soft buttons and textured cords, designed to draw your child's curiosity and train their dexterity. These elements aid in improving their hand-eye coordination. Let's call it their stealthy journey from chaos to coordination

ufo silicone toy features

Its compact size makes it an ideal travel companion, easily slipping into your carry-on and transforming travel time into a tranquil experience. As for cleaning, it's no more than a quick rinse or a cycle on the dishwasher's top rack.This UFO might just be the most low-maintenance relationship in my life.

This toy is in line with Montessori principles, promoting self-directed exploration and hands-on learning. As parents, seeing our child's development through this approach is genuinely gratifying, a positive note amid the daily parenting rollercoaster.

In summary, the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy isn't just a toy. It's an educator in disguise, a facilitator of skills development, and a promoter of engagement. And, let's face it, a guardian of parental sanity.

Here are its key features, simply put:

  • Food-grade silicone construction: safe and durable.
  • UFO design with bright colors and animal shapes: enriching and attractive.
  • Equipped with soft buttons and textured cords: promotes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Compact and easy to carry: the ideal travel companion.
  • Easy to clean: because less clean-up time is always a win.

Check out this quick video covering some of these features.

So, fellow parents, here's to fewer meltdowns, more peaceful breaks, and a newfound appreciation for UFOs.

Pros and Cons


  • Food Grade Silicone: This Montessori toy is made of food grade silicone, making it safe for babies who are exploring with their mouths.
  • Chewing and Teething: The UFO silicone pulling toy can act as a teething toy for babies who are experiencing the discomfort of teething. The silicone material provides a soothing sensation when chewed.
  • Fine Motor Skills Development: The pull string activity promotes the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in toddlers. This aligns well with Montessori’s emphasis on hands-on exploration.
  • Suitable for a Range of Ages: This toy can be enjoyed by babies from 6-12 months and toddlers 18 months and older, making it a versatile addition to your Montessori toy collection.


  • Limited Sensory Variety: While the pulling activity and silicone material offer tactile stimulation, this toy has limited sensory variety compared to other Montessori toys that incorporate colors, shapes, and textures.
  • Not as Comprehensive as Other Montessori Materials: Though it encourages self-directed learning and hands-on exploration, the UFO Silicone Pulling Toy may not offer the same level of educational value as other Montessori materials that emphasize practical life skills and intellectual development.

What Real Customers Are Saying

As usual, I love to provide a balanced view from the consumers as even I am capable of bias. Here's a summary of what some real customers are saying about this delightful travel toy:

  • Entertainment across age groups: Many customers mentioned that the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy keeps children engaged across a wide age range. Kids as young as 10 months to those as old as 11 years have been reported to enjoy playing with the toy. It's clear that the toy's appeal transcends the traditional age boundaries.
  • A favorite among kids: Several reviews indicate the toy's status as a firm favorite among the little ones. From car rides to playtime at a friend's house, it appears that the UFO Silicone Pulling Toy has a permanent spot in children's routines, providing much-needed entertainment during potentially challenging situations.
  • Great for sensory and fine motor skill development: As per numerous reviews, the product continues to be a hit among children over 3 months who relish tactile exploration and love to experience the world orally. Some parents have also praised the toy for its role in stimulating motor skills and promoting cognitive development.
  • Easy to carry and clean: The compact size of the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy makes it suitable for small hands and ideal for on-the-go activities. Parents have commended it as a lifesaver during car journeys and other travels. Cleaning this toy is reported to be hassle-free, adding to its practicality.
  • Quality concerns: While a number of users have been satisfied with the toy, a few reviews have raised concerns about its quality. Some customers have reported issues with the toy's durability, such as parts detaching after a short period of use. Others have expressed worry about the toy being made in China and its suitability for teething infants.
  • Mixed reactions on entertainment value: The reviews also reflect mixed responses when it comes to the toy's entertainment value. While many customers have praised it for keeping their children busy, a few have reported their kids losing interest quickly or not finding the toy as engaging as expected.
baby with pulling toy in car
The entertainment value was high here!

Remember, reviews are always a mixed bag. While the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy has won the hearts of many, there's always room for improvement and diverse experiences are part of the journey.

Compass Check: True North or Off Course?

As a Montessori parent, I've weathered my fair share of toy-induced chaos. (Who knew something so small could create a mess so big?) So when I came across this UFO Silicone Pulling Toy, I was eager to see if it would survive the ultimate test – my very own Montessori explorers.

First off, the construction of the toy is stellar (pun intended). Made from food-grade silicone, it passes the safety check with flying colors. Resilient and kid-friendly, it is an oasis in the desert of delicate toys. And, given its track record of surviving multiple encounters with my offspring, it has more resilience than a cockroach in a nuclear apocalypse.


Beneath the UFO's facade of fun and bright colors, there lies a stealthy educator at work. I've seen my little astronauts develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, all the while being completely engrossed in their play. As any Montessori parent will tell you, that’s like hitting the parenting jackpot. It’s a toy that not only keeps them engaged but also teaches them something.

In the spirit of hands-on exploration, the toy is equipped with soft buttons and textured cords to tantalize tiny fingers. I have to admit, it was a joyful moment when I realized little Andreas was unconsciously honing his fine motor skills while he thought he was just having a blast with a toy. I couldn't help but do a little happy dance (yes, Montessori parents do that too! and no, I will not record it).

The compact size of the toy makes it an excellent travel buddy, slipping easily into my carry-on. It has transformed long trips into peaceful journeys. If this isn't a win, I don't know what is. Plus, cleaning it is a breeze. Just a quick rinse or a cycle on the dishwasher's top rack and it's ready for the next adventure.

Andreas LOVED the UFO on our recent flight!

This said, nothing is perfect. Although it promotes self-directed exploration and hands-on learning, this UFO may not offer the comprehensive educational value of some other Montessori materials that focus on practical life skills and intellectual development. And while it’s great for tactile stimulation, I do wish it incorporated a wider variety of sensory activities.

So, what's the verdict you might say?

This toy is more than just a piece of silicone. In its simple design, it embodies the stealth of an undercover educational operative, aligning well with the Montessori principles of self-directed exploration and hands-on learning.

And here's the magic - it's not about the toy doing all the work. It's about our mini-Montessori masters flexing their explorative muscles and discovering new realms of learning on their own.

Now, to address the benefit for us, the control center of the household, also known as parents. What's in it for us?

Think of it as a tiny permission slip to take a breather. Whether that's to sip your coffee in peace, catch up on a chapter of your book, or simply to witness the delightful sight of your young one engrossed in exploration. Or have a micro-nap on the plane (ok that one is from the fantasy book!)

So, yes, at the end of it all, I recommend the Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy.


Not because it promises to eradicate parenting challenges (I've yet to find the toy that can do that!), nor because it vows to be a Montessori revolution.

I endorse it simply because it's a fun, engaging, and child-approved addition to your Montessori collection, promoting self-guided exploration and fine motor skills development. And a lot of parents seem to agree!

It's a small but solid piece of the larger Montessori puzzle.

As always though, I encourage you to digest the information provided, look through the Amazon product listing, and come to your own conclusion on what would be best for your child's journey!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of a Montessori UFO silicone pulling toy?

The toy promotes hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills development, and sensory exploration. Plus, it aligns with Montessori principles by encouraging self-directed play and practical life skills, such as grasping and pulling.

Are Montessori UFO silicone pulling toys age-specific for children?

Montessori UFO silicone pulling toys are generally designed for children aged 18 months and above. However, it's crucial to ensure your child is developmentally ready for this toy and always monitor them during playtime to avoid potential hazards.

How can a Montessori UFO silicone pulling toy help in child development?

When my little one plays with their UFO silicone pulling toy, I notice it encourages their curiosity and stimulates their cognitive development. This kind of hands-on activity fosters problem-solving, spatial awareness, and independent play – essential components of a Montessori education.

What safety features are present in UFO silicone pulling toys?

Safety is always a priority for me as a parent. Montessori UFO silicone pulling toys are made of food-grade silicone, free from BPA and phthalates. The materials used are easy to clean and gentle on a child's sensitive skin. It's essential, however, to supervise your child during play to ensure maximum safety.

Are Montessori UFO silicone pulling toys suitable for sensory play?

Absolutely! I've observed how UFO silicone pulling toys engage my child in sensory play, allowing them to explore different textures, colors, and shapes. This type of sensory experience enhances not only their tactile learning but also supports their overall development.

How do you clean and maintain a Montessori UFO silicone pulling toy?

Simply use warm water or place them on the top rack of your dishwasher. Regular cleaning not only keeps the toy hygienic but also extends its longevity, making it a great addition to your child's learning journey.

Our Closing Thoughts

As we wrap up this interstellar adventure, let's bring our Montessori UFO Silicone Pulling Toy back to Earth for a moment. We've navigated the wonders of its food-grade silicone construction, reveled in its fine motor skills development features, and chuckled at its undercover role as a parental sanity preserver.

Through the lens of a Montessori parent, this is more than just a toy review. It's a playful reflection of our shared journey - one filled with delightful discoveries, and unexpected detours and learning curves. It's all part of the magic and mayhem of embracing the Montessori way at home.


As a fellow parent on this whimsical ride, I hope my perspective has given you some food for thought, a smile, and maybe even the itch to bring home a UFO (Silicone Pulling Toy, that is!).

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Did my experience resonate with you?

Have you, too, encountered a stealthy toy-hero in your Montessori journey? Share your thoughts, laughter, and learnings via email (admin@themontessoricompass.com) or through the social media links. Or, if my words have swayed you towards considering the UFO Silicone Pulling Toy for your mini-astronaut, check it our for yourself via the Amazon link.

Whether you're simply a reader, a sharer, or a soon-to-be UFO purchaser, I thank you for your time and for being part of our quirky, committed Montessori community. Remember, amidst the chaos and comedy, there's always a moment of joy to be found - sometimes, it just takes a UFO sighting to reveal it!

So, continue exploring, keep laughing, and here's to our ongoing Montessori journey. It may be filled with trials and tribulations, but remember, we're in this together, every step of the way.

Until our next adventure, happy parenting!